The oak of Dodona
Reference EAL 530
Red Radoja "The Oak of Dodona" 4 p Choral for female voices
Red RADOJA is a pianist and musicologist. He was born on May 20, 1976 in Tirana (Albania). He graduated from the University of Arts in Tirana (piano) and from the University of Strasbourg (musicology). He is particularly interested in the study of epic songs of oral tradition, about which he is preparing a doctoral thesis. His compositions present a mixture of styles, they are largely inspired by folk music, particularly that of his country of origin.
The choral song "The Oak of Dodona" is a tribute to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, an ancestral emblematic figure embedded in the collective memory of the Albanians. In the first part of the song (lamentation), the polyphonic action follows, roughly speaking, the rules of the traditional Albanian plurivocality of lab style, to give way to a more "learned" writing in the second part (lullaby).
Kënga korale "Lisi i Dodonës" nderon figurën e mbretit Pirro të Epirit, një figurë emblematike stërgjyshore e ngulitur fort në kujtesën e përbashkët të shqiptarëve. Në pjesën e parë të këngës (vajtimi), thurja polifonike ndjek, në vija të përgjithshme, rregullat e shumëzërëshit popullor shqiptar të stilit lab, për t'i lënë vendin një shkrimi disi më "shkollor" në pjesën e dytë (këngë djepi).
Red Radoja Epinal, December (dhjetor) 2010.